Tuesday, September 13, 2011

EA Games I've Worked On: The Sims Medieval (PC)

I spent all of 2010 (and a little bit of 2009) working on the UI for The Sims Medieval. We put together a team of 5 in-house UI artists along with a number of outside icon artists, and eventually I had to step away from my day-to-day art making duties to serve as the UI art director for the team.

I started off the project by creating a series of mood boards to help establish a few potential directions we could go with the look and feel of the UI. From there, I took those different directions and mocked up some faux UI screens, just to see how each direction would hold up when applied to various UI elements (dialog boxes, the HUD, etc). Then, once the team agreed on which direction looked and felt the best, I put together a UI art style guide that we used throughout production.
The Sims Medieval Main Title Screen
Universal Loading Screen
Main Menu/Ambition Selection Screen
Various UI Elements
Mood Board 1
Mood Board 2
Mood Board 3
Style Exploration 1-A
Style Exploration 1-B
Style Exploration 2-A
Style Exploration 2-B
Style Exploration 3-A
Style Exploration 3-B
Main Title Screen - Alternate Treatment

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