Sunday, September 27, 2015

Philippines Group Dive Trip - Maui Dreams Dive Co.

The truly awesome folks at Maui Dreams Dive Co. organize a few group dive trips every year. Once in a while, I'm lucky enough to go on one of these trips. And once in a while, I'm lucky enough to get to design a t-shirt to commemorate one of these trips. This is the design I came up with for our recent trip to the Philippines.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dive Diva T-Shirt Design

A much less racy design than my previous post (I think), this one was a lot of fun for me. Heavily inspired by vintage Disney posters and the work of artists such as Josh Agle and Brittney Lee, I would love to do more pieces like this in the future!

My Racy Scuba T-Shirt Design

I don't often do work that I consider to be racy, but when this little pun popped into my head, I felt compelled to share it with the world.

Hey, I'm just stating a simple fact, right?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Aloha, Popoki!

We recently had to say goodbye to a coworker who was moving on to a new job, but before she left, she asked me if I would mind drawing her a picture of an animal, preferably a cat or a wolf. I decided to go with a cat, but wanted to infuse it with a bit of Aloha!

My Zazzle Shop is Now Open!

Gonna try to keep new designs trickling in steadily, but for now I just have some diving-related stuff ready to go!